Tuesday 30 August 2011

High ISO in a Auckland City Pub.

I was out last weekend and i was using a Nikon D3s in a dark environment , so i pull out my
AFS 35 mm 1.4 f and started having fun with high ISO. This shot was across from where is was sittting.

                                                 Nikon  D3s , AFS 35mm 1.4 f  ISO 4000

I did some close up and enjoyed using this camera

                                                      Nikon D3s AFS 35mm 1.4 f ISO 2000

This is a close up of my dinner

                                                    Nikon D3s AFS 35 mm  1.4 f ISO 4000

and I use the window as my natural light

                                                Nikon D3s AFS 35mm 1.4 f  ISO 6400

                                             Nikon D3s AFS 35 mm 1.4 f ISO 6400

So my take is that this lens is very sharp in the right focal range and it tells you straight away
when you get out of its range.
Happy shooting everyone from the team of Sharp Photography