Saturday 13 August 2011

Event Management shooting

We went to this play and our cameras achieve great results.

     Canon 1Dmark 4 , Fstop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

This Singer was an Incredible Dancer

      Canon 1Dmark 4 , Fstop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

This was Taken with a Canon  70-200mm 2.8 fL  . Using  Light to capture this dancer move.

Canon 1Dmark 4 , F Stop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

The light was fantastic and all shot we shot at perfect sharpness.

     Canon 1Dmark 4 , F Stop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

Light is every thing , always look for hair light to emphasize the subject.

  Canon 1Dmark 4 , Fstop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

Canon 1Dmark 4 , Fstop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

Capturing the moment is everything look at how you place your subject to this helps your viewer
to get pulled into your work.

Canon 1Dmark 4 , FStop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

Canon 1Dmark 4 , F Stop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400

 Canon 1Dmark 4 , Fstop 2.8 , ISO 2000 , Speed 400
  • Using speed will help you Achieve good pictures remember to increase your iso to give speed.
  • White balance is important went under stage lights to.
  • Remember to have fun as well.